Looking for the safe, lasting, even tan of your dreams? Discover our Sunny sun care coaching to prime your skin prior to exposure, protect it from the sun, and extend your tan.

Discover our Sunny sun care protection range to experience protected skin and the tan of your dreams. Their lightweight, invisible, ultra-sensory textures make each application a pleasant experience. Formulated with carefully selected UVA and UVB filters, our Sunny sun care formulas respect and preserve the oceans as much as possible. They guarantee optimum tolerance.
Sunny is a sun protection range designed like a tanning coach so you can enjoy the sunshine while protecting your face from its harmful effects:
1. Prime your skin 1 month before sun exposure with our Sunny Mousse à Bronzer.
2. Protect skin from UV rays thanks to the 3 sun protection factors in our Crèmes Solaires : SPF 15, SPF 30 or SPF 50.
3. Extend the quality of your tan with our Sunny Soin Après-Soleil Rafraîchissant.
Sun care not only protects the skin from sunburn, it also slows down skin ageing and, by extension, the emergence of signs of ageing such as wrinkles and dark spots.